According to a 1991 article in the journal Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 70% of patients with Chronic Inflammatory Arthritis are carriers of "silent infections". Bacteria, yeast/fungi, amoeba, protozoa, and other parasites remain often unknown causes of neuromusculoskeletal inflammation. However, if we look for the source of this inflammation, quite often we find the gastrointestinal tract to be dysregulated. Whether it is from allergens like gluten or dairy, or the immunological battle between white blood cells and infectious agents, the gastrointestinal tract becomes compromised. Toxins in the form of antibodies, endotoxines, or even metabolic byproducts are released into the bloodstream and new levels of inflammation are mounted to combat the invaders. "The production of cross-reactive antibodies is strikingly increased in the gut of many Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. Their food related problems might reflect on adverse additive effect of multiple modest hypersensitivity reaction mediated by immune complexes promoting autoimmune reactions in the joints." (Gut 2006; 55: 1240-47)
Microorganisms can cause diseases even when not causing obvious infection. Researchers have described 14 different mechanisms by which these organisms can cause serious biochemical or immunological imbalances that end in inflammation and/or serious pain. The organisms may not be pathogenic in origin but their presence causes distinct changes in physiology. Their metabolic byproducts (exotoxines) and parts of these pathogens outer membrane (endotoxines) promote the release of alarm molecules (pro-inflammatory cytokines) by many of our cell. So an excess of overgrowth of "even normal" bacteria in the gut can cause inflammation and ultimately a compromised gastrointestinal lining, or what we call "leaky gut". Consequently, if you have gas, bloating, alternating constipation/diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, severe allergies, arthritis, or autoimmune disorders, you should be evaluated and treated.
The link between the imbalanced bacteria (dysbiosis) and systemic inflammation becomes clear: gastrointestinal bacterial overgrowth leads to excess production and absorption of endotoxins, which then initiates immune dysfunction and a systemic pro-inflammatory response. This means that by balancing our microflora we can treat this "incurable disease". And we can do this without using harmful agents with unwanted side effects. I like to work on improving your diet, digestion and absorption, and your detoxification process.
This microbial imbalance or dysbiosis can be also located on our skin or any exposed surface or mucous membrane such as nose, sinuses, ears, even eyes, mouth, lung, nails, genitourinary tract, and vagina.
I want you to step back and see the big picture. Addressing the dysbiosis and inflammation offers real solution for challenging problems.