Precision medicine is an emerging approach for disease prevention and treatment that takes into account people's individual variations in genes, environment, and lifestyle. ​​Although, experts in health care agree that it is important to include genetics as part of the assessment and treatment plan, healthcare providers are confused as to how to interpret the raw genetic data, and then what to do about it. Unfortunately, those without enough training, often have bad results when they just look at a few single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs (pronounced “snips”), and start to support methylation too quickly. Each one of us carries approximately 3 million SNPs.

However, many patients are doing inexpensive genetic testing through, and are anxiously looking for practitioners who can support them. Variants in DNA can impact your ability to make and use different nutrients critical for reducing inflammation, healthy circulation, promoting a strong immunity, supporting emotional health, proper removal of the dangerous toxins you are exposed to as well as slowing the aging process.

If you’ve been searching for information on DNA and your SNPs, we can help you better understand how your DNA relates to nutrition, detoxification, anti-oxidant protection and numerous other metabolic processes. Below is a list of some of the gene functions and how they interrelated in your DNA. After a detailed face-to-face explanation, we provide you a detailed written report and personalized nutritional recommendations based on your individual’s genetic uniqueness.

In our 23andMe interpretation, we focus on the following aspects of your genetic inheritance:

Variants that impact gut health and digestion:

1) Predisposition to gluten sensitivity

2) Lactose intolerance, peanut allergy

3) Ability to metabolize caffeine

4) Production of prebiotics and predisposition toward gut inflammation

5) Histamine metabolism and tendency toward allergic reactions

Cellular Energy Production

1) Krebs cycle

2) Electron transport chain

3) Lipid oxidation

4) Electron transport chain

Detoxification capacity

 1) Liver detoxification phase 1  (CYP 450 system)

2) Liver detoxification phase 2 (SOD, glutathione, PON1)

3) PON1

4) NSAID sensitivity

5) NAT genes

Folate, Vitamin B12, and Methionine Creation and Pathways

1) Folate cycle genes

2) Vitamin B12 genes

3) Methionine cycle

4) Homocysteine related genes

Transsulfuration Pathway and Ammonia & Glutamate Clearing Ability

Neurotransmitters Production and Clearing

1) Serotonin

2) Dopamine

3) Glutamate


Additional Genes and Metabolic Pathways Studied in Our Report:

1) BH4 Cycle

2) Vitamin D

3) Cardiovascular risk

3) Iron metabolism

4) DNA Repair

5) Urea Cycle (Nitric Oxide, Peroxynitrite Estimates (as they relate to inflammation and cardiovascular risk)

6) Variants that Impact Exercise and Fitness Potential

7) Electrical Sensitivity Potential

8) Antioxidant Detoxification

This practical, forward-looking approach of supporting genetic variants is based on scientific evidence and has been helping people find answers to their health challenges like never before. For more information about doing a simple saliva test and to find out more information on your specific genetic variations and how they impact your health, give us a call at 949-726-0707. You no longer have to treat symptom after symptom. Now, you can get to the root cause of illness through genetic testing.